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Join the world's growing eLearning commercial center.

EduKwik offers free seminars on the most proficient method to construct your own course. Besides, our educator dashboard and educational plan pages help keep you on target.

How to become a teacher

Make an online course and bring in cash by showing individuals around the globe.

Register to become a teacher

You have to to fill out this form

You start with your energy and information. At that point pick a subject and plan your talks on EduKwik stage.

You will train the manner in which you need — even make courses in different dialects and motivate more understudies.

How we help you

EduKwik offers free seminars on the best way to construct your own course. Besides, our teacher dashboard and educational plan pages help keep you on target.
Routine is basic for understudies managing disturbance. You should keeps his learning instruments straightforward so understudies can zero in less on the innovation and more on the material.

Screen task entries, and convey and help understudies to remember missed as well as impending cutoff times. You can help guarantee a fruitful learning experience by rehearsing proactive course the executives techniques. We propose presenting a note on your group at any rate once per week, mentioning to understudies what you will cover in the coming week and helping them to remember any due dates.

Convey to your understudies, ahead of time, when you will review and restore all tasks and tests.

Make tests, activities, and tasks to fabricate intuitiveness. Compose welcome directives for your understudies and answer their inquiries. Since EduKwik understudies don't simply watch, they do.

How we help you

We give all the instruments to informing, Q&As, course declarations, and tests, across the board place.

Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through money transfer portal.
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